Hiruna Jayamanne

NoSqlite: A NoSQL layer over SQLite!
Announcement Rust

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As I was making Nyanko, I needed a way of storing the user's data more efficiently than a JSON file as I would have to serialise a large JSON file every time I made a change to the data. In this situation, most developers reach out to sqlite because you can store a whole database in a single file and read and write to it very efficiently. I also intend on porting Nyanko to Android and sqlite is a very common data storage format for Android apps.

There's just one problem - I prefer nosql databases. This is probably due to my naivety, but I prefer nosql databases due to them not being restricted by a schema and thus not requiring migrations which I feel would be harder in Nyanko due to the database/file being stored on the user's computer.

There are key-value storage systems that store everything into one file and tick many of my boxes (like sled) however I also desire the ability to query the entries in a table like you can with AWS DynamoDB for example.

I found hotpot-db which was a great idea! We could just use sqlite as a nosql database by having it store JSON objects and using sqlite's json1 extension. Unfortunately hotpot-db didn't seem to allow more complex queries and didn't have a lot of the features I would have like to use like sorting and limiting the number of entries.

So I decided to make my own crate that made use of rusqlite and sqlite's json1 extension. I call it nosqlite!


JSON Document Store + Serde

Because the crate works by essentially writing the data into a JSON string, we can use the powerful serde framwork.

#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct User {
	name: String,
	age: u8,

// Inserts a Json object into the table.
table.insert(User { name: "Hiruna".into(), age: 19 }, &connection)?;
table.insert(User { name: "Bob".into(), age: 13 }, &connection)?;

// Gets the first Json object in the table. (Not the one we just inserted unless the table was empty).
let data: Entry<i64, User> = table.get(1).entry(&connection)??;

But you aren't restricted to concrete types - you can put in any object you want with serde_json's json! macro.

table.insert(json!({ first_name: "Hiruna", last_name: "Jayamanne" }), &connection)?;

You also don't have to get everything, you can decide if you want just the json object, id, or a field.

// Get botht the id and the JSON object
let entry: Entry<i64, User> = table.get(1).entry(&connection)??;

// Get only the JSON object
let data: User = table.get(1).data(&connection)??;

// Get only the id
let id: i64 = table.get(1).id(&connection)??;

// Get a specific field in the JSON object
let field: String = table.get(1).field("name", &connection)??;

You can also get the value of fields that have been nested within another object.

table.insert(json!({ "name": "Alex", "nested": { "x": 3, "y": 4 } }), &connection)?;

// Gets the "x" field of the "nested" object
table.iter().field("nested.x", connection)?

Arrays are also not a problem.

table.insert(json!({ "name": "Alex", "array": [1, 2, 3, 4] }), &connection);

// Gets the 2nd item out of the array
table.iter().field("array[1]", connection)?


Writing queries was one of the main things I desired. You can filter by the values of an object, limit the number of results, etc.

table.insert(&User{ name: "Hiruna".into(), age: 18 }, &connection)?;
table.insert(&User{ name: "Bob".into(),  age: 13 }, &connection)?;
table.insert(&User{ name: "Callum".into(), age: 25 }, &connection)?;
table.insert(&User{ name: "Alex".into(), age: 20 }, &connection)?;
// Iterate over the entries in the table
    // Sort by Age
    // Only get people who are 18+
    // Gets the name and age fields of the JSON object
    .fields::<(String, u8), _, _, _>(&["name", "age"], &connection)?
    .for_each(|(name, age)| println!("{:10} : {}", name, age));

I tried it to make as idiomatic as possible and so I named the method iter however it should be noted that it returns a builder struct not an actual iterator.

We can also have some more complex filters.

// Get users whose age is greater than equal to 18 and less than 50
// Or if their name is "Bob"

Updating Values

We also might want to update a certain field of an entry that has already been inserted. In that case there are three possible ways of updating an object: set, insert, and patch.

Set only updates an object's field if that field already exists in the object.

// Has an `age` field
table.insert(json!({ "first_name": "Hiruna", "age": 19 }), &connection)?;
// Does not have an `age` field
table.insert(json!({ "first_name": "Bob" }), &connection)?;

// Only the first entry's "age" will be set to 13
table.iter().set("age", 13, &connection);

Insert only updates an object's field if that field does not exist in the object.

// Has an `age` field
table.insert(json!({ "first_name": "Hiruna", "age": 19 }), &connection)?;
// Does not have an `age` field
table.insert(json!({ "first_name": "Bob" }), &connection)?;

// The second entry will get a new "age" field set to 13
table.iter().insert("age", 13, &connection);

Patch updates a value no matter what and allows you to update multiple fields at once by taking in a JSON object.

table.insert(json!({ "first_name": "Hiruna", "age": 19 }), &connection)?;
table.insert(json!({ "first_name": "Bob" }), &connection)?;

// Both entries will have "age" set to 13 and "score" set to 5
table.iter().patch(json!({ "age": 13, "score": 5 }), &connection);

SQL Table Interop

Sometimes you're in a situation where you already have a sql table that you don't want to mess with or maybe you are sure that a certain value should be it's own sql column instead of a field in a JSON object (e.g. because it's more efficient).

A nosqlite Connection implements AsRef<SqliteConnection> so you can still execute normal SQL statements.

    CREATE TABLE custom(
        data TEXT NOT NULL,
        weight INTEGER
"#, NO_PARAMS)?;

You can then turn this sql table into a nosqlite table.

let table = EntryTable::<i64>::unchecked("custom", "id", "data");

Unfortunately, you don't get the nice insertion API so you'll have to use SQL statements. The only benefit that this crate can provide is the Json newtype struct which wraps a type that implements serde's Serialize trait and implements ToSql on it.

let mut statement = connection.as_ref().prepare("INSERT INTO custom (data, weight) VALUES (?, ?)")?;

statement.execute(&[&Json(User{ name: "Hiruna".into(), age: 18 }) as &dyn ToSql, &100 as &dyn ToSql])?;
statement.execute(&[&Json(User{ name: "Bob".into(),  age: 13 }) as &dyn ToSql, &50 as &dyn ToSql])?;
statement.execute(&[&Json(User{ name: "Callum".into(), age: 25 }) as &dyn ToSql, &25 as &dyn ToSql])?;
statement.execute(&[&Json(User{ name: "Alex".into(), age: 20 }) as &dyn ToSql, &75 as &dyn ToSql])?;

However now you can use those extra sql columns in your filter.

    // Only get people who are 18+ and their weighting is over 50
    .field::<String, _>("name", &connection)?;


This crate however is not as efficient as sqlite is because sqlite was never meant to store JSON objects in the first place. What I believe happens is that in a query, the json1 extension parses every string column into a JSON extension. As you can imagine, this is extremely inefficient. I'm not really interested in high performance due to nyanko not needing it but this could prove to be an issue if I have a lot of entries in my table. Thankfully, sqlite allows indexes on expressions which should allow us to somewhat cache the results of the parsing function. This is very useful in a situation where you know what fields will be queried most often.

table.index("my_index", &[field("name"), field("age")], connection)?;

Unfortunately whether or not the index is used is unclear and decided by sqlite at runtime. I would recommend running some kind of benchmark to figure out if the index actually does anything. I would have preferred something like AWS DynamoDB queries where you can force the use of an index but it does not seem to possible with sqlite (there is an INDEXED BY clause that I could possibly use but it says that I should only be using it for regression testing so I'll avoid it for now).


I've mentioned it before but speed is a very big downside of using this library. I haven't done any proper benchmarks, but I can imagine that it does quite a lot worse than normal sqlite and worse than a possible future implementation that purely focuses on being a nosql database. Again indexes do help but this crate is definitely not for people who want high performance because I can't promise it.

Another problem is that since this has no schema, it is very difficult to catch errors at compile time like you can with ORMs like diesel and sqlx. For example, if you expect a field "A" to have a String in it but it actually has a number or the field doesn't exist at all, then nosqlite will silently ignore that entry. This is useful if you, for example, only want entries that contain a certain field. But is painful if you get a bug where an entry is not being returned which would require you to track down the offending piece of code.


While I don't see it being used for anything big, I wanted to share it for anyone else who wants an easy-to-use storage system for their application. I have not yet uploaded this crate to crates.io (and I'm not sure if I should!) so for now you would have to point to the github link in your Cargo.toml file.


  • rusqlite for the great safe sqlite bindings.
  • sqlite for the great storage system and for making a json1 extension.
  • hotpot-db for the inspiration.
  • You, for reading my first blog post!